Case Manager & Interpreter
Victoria was born and raised in Sudan, where she completed high school and attended two years of college before fleeing the country due to the war. Victoria then moved to Egypt with her family, where they lived for nine months before being granted refugee status. They moved to Utah in 1999. Victoria attended ESL at Horizonte and GED and computer classes at SLCC. Victoria completed a case management certificate through the University of Utah School of Social Work and completed the Bridging the Gap training through the Utah Department of Health. She worked nine years at a casino in Missouri as a Player's Club Representative. Victoria has been a chairperson for the United South Sudanese People Association of the State of Utah since 2019 and in other roles for this association since 2011. Victoria has worked as an interpreter since 2011 for various organizations before joining UHHR in 2022 as a case manager and interpreter. Victoria became a refugee at a time when there was minimal support, and her family often struggled due to not having access to interpreters, case management, and transportation. When Victoria became fluent in English, she wanted to give back to her community, so she started working as an interpreter and community support. Victoria is the mother of 4 daughters, with two attending the University of Utah, one in high school and one in middle school. Victoria plans to return to college to complete her studies in social work.
Speaks Arabic, Sudanese Arabic & Dinka
Contact Victoria: 801-747-7114 or