THRIVE Center for Survivors of Torture is grateful to these community partners for their ongoing financial support.
- American Express Center for Community Development
- The Ruth Eleanor Bamberger and John Ernest Bamberger Memorial Foundation
- Deseret Industries
- Dominion Energy
- The George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
- Intermountain Community Care Foundation
- LDS Humanitarian Services
- Larry H. Miller Charities
- McCarthey Family Foundation
- Medallion Bank
- Office of Refugee Resettlement
- R. Harold Burton Foundation
- Rocky Mountain Power Foundation
- Salt Lake County Social Service Block Grant
- Sorenson Legacy Foundation
- United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
- United Way of Salt Lake
- Utah Department of Health
- Utah Department of Workforce Services - TANF
- West Valley City Community Development Block Grant